tumblr poetry

 English 202 //09

This past week, on my Tumblr blog, I made a post asking people to anonymously send me a subject and then I'd write them a poem about it. I got five request. I haven't gotten around to writing the fifth one yet, but I though I'll post the other four here. 
These poems were merely for practice, I feel as if sometimes I fall into a rut when I don't try anything new for awhile, this was just a way for me to try something knew. It's alway good to stretch out of your bounrdes a little bit and try a new endevor. Here's what I came up with.


A poem about housesitting

Hard wood floors.
A dog sleeping,
an occational snore.
Pictures hanging 
by the blue back door.
It felt like home
not your own.
for somewhere to go,
for some place
to call your own.

A poem about my favorite color

The morning light,
faint streaks
of gold, blue, and pink.
The deep, dark murkiness
that is beneath 
the sea.
The hues that the leaves are
in the summer, fall,
and spring,
The changes in nature,
those, my dear,
are my favorite to see.

A poem about puns

I’m horrible at puns
you should know this by now.
So here you go:


make what you want of it.
You’re that kind of type.

A poem about hello kitty

There once was a kitty
who was truly very pretty.
She wore a red bow
that she liked to show
around the giant busy city.


If you'd like me to write you a poem about any subject, you can head over to my Tumblr blog and ask me an anonymous question or you could just reply here down in the comments. 

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. I really like the poem about puns. While being funny, it is very serious. It makes you think that everyone is their own type and can think of things in their own way. Good job on the poems.


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